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A Good Ad is Like Seeds for a Fruit Tree

December 2, 2019

Why is a good ad important?

A good ad is like a seed for a fruit tree.
Repetition is its water.
Weekly consistency is its sunlight.
The longer your seed is allowed to grow in the minds of the public,
The greater and greater your harvests will be...

November 8, 2019
Too many advertisers believe they need a schedule of Top-Rating, Peak-Night programmes to be visible on Television. On Television the use of peak time is desirable if the advertising objective is to build high awareness over a short period of time. If, however time is not the essence, then the much less expensive, often very cost-efficient, off- peak zones can be used to great advantage. Many highly successful television campaigns have used off-peak zones only. Lower Rating = Lower Cost= Increased Cost Efficiency
October 12, 2019
All too often, I see a real thirst for clients to approach digital advertising with slick and cheap options from Google and Facebook that makes it all sound so easy. Digital Advertising has amazing potential for clients if you know what you're doing, but without proper care, digital advertising can bring you unstuck. It pays to understand one key point of digital advertising in order to take proper advantage of the opportunities - understand the data that is being presented to you in a digital campaign. A properly tailored digital campaign will be able to show you distinct elements of what is working, plus what isn't. And honing in on the components that aren't working allows you to tighten wasteful advertising spending, provided you know what to look for. A clear strategy also allows you to understand your conversion goals, and digital campaigns are a great fit for your business. Backed by a management strategy, you can also save on advertising dollars that can easily be wasted in the digital space.
April 1, 2018
A lot of clients can be put off by advertising on television, and it's a reasonable expectation of client to be naturally averse to television advertising. Especially small businesses with limited advertising budgets. However, if your business happens to be located in more than one geographical location, television is a great investment because of it's regional reach. In most cases, having a series of television commercials can be more cost effective than running on two or more separate radio stations. It's like everything though, your investment will only return what you put into it. And we have some amazing people that can really deliver content that leaves a lasting impression, no matter what the medium you choose!
January 1, 2018
TV Commercials on a network, or 'spots', can look really attractive on paper, as they can represent great value for money for your competing advertising dollars. However, it pays to do a little bit of research and not get sucked in to the 'my commercial is on a lot of times' mentality. A commercial no-one is watching is a wasted commercial. A lot of the larger agencies like to instead refer customers over to TARPs, or Target Audience Rating Points, and television networks are only too happy to oblige to this, as that allows them to determine that their offerings with less commercials can represent better value for money than the station with lots of commercials on their schedules, but not a lot in the way of TARPs. We should be looking at TV advertising in terms of Cost Per Thousand Cost Per Thousand, or CPT is a much better overall gauge of the value of a television schedule, and allows the business owner to determine the quality of their program schedules over the quantity, which can save business owners over the long term for their advertising.
September 1, 2017
Most people listen to the radio at some point during the day. Whether it's on while making breakfast or on their commute to the office. Radio can reach times when the TV is off. THE RESULTS YOU RECEIVE FROM YOUR RADIO CAMPAIGNS WILL DEPEND ON AT LEAST TWO FACTORS. Create appealing and effective spots. Making an effective buy. Radio is great for branding, building top of mind awareness. Radio is background music. And your brand's ability to be recalled is being reinforced. The radio commercials should be the same commercials that are schedule on Television. This provides excellent impact, reach and frequency, and is a cost effective way to diversify your advertising markets when ads can be placed strategically. An agency can help you build your campaign to ensure the maximum value is being spent.
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